Friday, May 29, 2015

Orange Poppy Seed Cake

Last weekend we had a cake stall at our local school.  I made a few cakes to donate, one of them being an Orange Poppy Seed cake. I'd never made one before and wasn't sure about a recipe to use so I just tweaked a butter cake, leaving out the vanilla and adding Orange rind and the poppy seeds. The cake mixture looked so good that I wanted to make one for us at home this weekend. So here is the recipe and along with some photos.  Delish!!

Orange Poppy Seed Cake

Thermomix recipe

125g soft butter
150g sugar
2 eggs
Rind of 1 Orange
260g SR flour
125g milk
10g poppy seeds

Grease 20cm cake tin, preheat oven 160 fan forced or 180 non fan forced.
Add sugar to clean dry TMX bowl sp9, 3 sec, add butter sp4,  20 sec scrape down sides attach butterfly, sp 4 40 sec, add rind, sp4 drop eggs through hole in lid, mix for a further 30 sec, add flour, milk and poppy seeds.  Sp4  20 sec, scrape sides and top of butterfly, sp4 20 sec.

cake batter should be quite light and thick, Pour into greased cake tin and bake for 30-35 mins. Test with skewer inserted into cake, skewer should come out clean.

Orange Buttercream Icing.

60g butter
150g icing sugar
1-2 tsp orange juice

Add butter and icing to TMX bowl, beat sp5 20 sec, add juice and beat sp5 for 2-3 mins (the longer you beat the lighter the buttercream will be) No need to use butterfly attachment.

 Spread onto cooled cake.

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